Wednesday, November 03, 2004

I found at least one reason to be glad for four more years...

Okay, this is a positive to add to the pile of negative I seem to be attracting around me these days. It in no way balances out the whole Bush being re-elected thing, (or should that be "re-appointed"), but at least we can look forward to four more years of hilarious new episodes of my favorite flash animation show... They are all fairly good, esp. the weekly updates, but my personal fave is, of course, "The George Bush Show"...scary funny social good it could almost be true. (sadly, it probably is.)

On a more serious note, here is a reminder of all those brave American souls who have lost their lives for the boondogle known as the Iraq war, and of the man who is largely (though not solely) to blame for the whole mess...

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