A most fun time was had by all, most especially yours truly and his companion in surreal debouchery and sensory overload, Mr. SJ himself. The occassion was the celebration of musical genius which is more commonly known to the masses as one Mr. Robyn Hitchcock (and his merry band of the moment "The Venus Three" consisting as it does of three other members both nimble and quick of finger Messers Buck, McCoughy and Rieflin). All performers involved are arguably at the top of their game, that game being kick ass psychedellic rock-n-roll.
The evening started after a marathon of early morning schlepping and sausage slinging followed by an afternoon of cutting the cheese and slurping the vino. Mr. SJ and I convined @ Rocket a fairly new eatery in our fine city of bridges. We were greeted by a friend (and co-worker of mine) the lovely Ms. B. who was just finishing her shift, and decided to join us at our feast table. Such a delight!
Many plates were ordered post haste, a couple of cocktails for the wait and we were in blue heaven. Conversation flowed, as the Portland rain tapped at the giant windows beside us. The view of downdown over my shoulder was stunning, even on a murky night like it was. The food we sampled was all quite good. Stand out dishes included the Duck Confit (always a favorite if done right - crisp on the outside, velvet on the inside and oh so richly delicious), a Lobster Spring Roll served with perfectly cooked prawns and a decadent buttery lobster sauce (So good!), a Braised slab of house cured Bacon (soft, smooth, smokey deliciousness), and Butternut Squash Dumplings with microgreens sage and brown butter, (sort of like gnocchi without the potato, light and fantastic). Most playful item sampled was the Lamb Corndog which was the best damn corn dog I've had the pleasure of eating (and yes I've sampled a few in my time).
After a quick perusal of the sweet menu (tempted by the Cherry Pop Tart, and the Apples Carl Sagan) we decide that the concert can't wait, and we leave Ms B @ the bar and head out into the cold rain to ditch jackets, contraband, weapons, and prime ourselves for the event to come.
Again, dashing through the storm, we enter the club (Doug Fir-a new live music venue for me)just in the nick of time, as Robyn and band are about to hit the stage five minutes hence. Quick trip to loo then downstairs. Purchase some pints of ale and position ourselves in the sweet spot - dead center about 20 feet back. Perfect. Two sips into my Pilsner Urquell, the house lights go down and there's Robyn grinning into the crowd, and strapping on his guitar. Most Happy now, we are!
More to come soon!
The evening started after a marathon of early morning schlepping and sausage slinging followed by an afternoon of cutting the cheese and slurping the vino. Mr. SJ and I convined @ Rocket a fairly new eatery in our fine city of bridges. We were greeted by a friend (and co-worker of mine) the lovely Ms. B. who was just finishing her shift, and decided to join us at our feast table. Such a delight!
Many plates were ordered post haste, a couple of cocktails for the wait and we were in blue heaven. Conversation flowed, as the Portland rain tapped at the giant windows beside us. The view of downdown over my shoulder was stunning, even on a murky night like it was. The food we sampled was all quite good. Stand out dishes included the Duck Confit (always a favorite if done right - crisp on the outside, velvet on the inside and oh so richly delicious), a Lobster Spring Roll served with perfectly cooked prawns and a decadent buttery lobster sauce (So good!), a Braised slab of house cured Bacon (soft, smooth, smokey deliciousness), and Butternut Squash Dumplings with microgreens sage and brown butter, (sort of like gnocchi without the potato, light and fantastic). Most playful item sampled was the Lamb Corndog which was the best damn corn dog I've had the pleasure of eating (and yes I've sampled a few in my time).
After a quick perusal of the sweet menu (tempted by the Cherry Pop Tart, and the Apples Carl Sagan) we decide that the concert can't wait, and we leave Ms B @ the bar and head out into the cold rain to ditch jackets, contraband, weapons, and prime ourselves for the event to come.
Again, dashing through the storm, we enter the club (Doug Fir-a new live music venue for me)just in the nick of time, as Robyn and band are about to hit the stage five minutes hence. Quick trip to loo then downstairs. Purchase some pints of ale and position ourselves in the sweet spot - dead center about 20 feet back. Perfect. Two sips into my Pilsner Urquell, the house lights go down and there's Robyn grinning into the crowd, and strapping on his guitar. Most Happy now, we are!
More to come soon!
1/18/08 (Seriously, I need to relate the rest of the evening with a review of the show before I forget it all, I'mm getting older by the minute here!)
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