Sunday, February 20, 2005

Dean Vs. Perle...

Saw Howard Dean debate Richard Perle at the Tom Mcall Forrum in downtown Portland the night before last. A fairly interesting discussion about "National defense post 9/11". Though I don't generally agree with Mr. Pearl, he came across as the more thoughtful "intellectual" of the two. Mr. Dean seems to think he is still stumping for the presidential campaign, and what's more, he doesn't seem to have a sense of volume control (always loud..."Mr. Dean, no need to yell, those are microphones on your pulpit!"). The major moment of excitement came when some "activist" protested Mr. Perle (in the first five minutes of his opening statement) by rushing the stage, yelling "F'ing liar, liar, liar don't believe a word he says the F'ing liar..." and so on whilst simultaneously hurling his shoes at the lectern (and missing his target with both shots). He was subsequently brought to the ground by several audience members and escorted to the street sans shoes and dignity. At this point he uttered what -to me - was the funniest line of the evening "Get your hands off me you big brute!" (to which -in my mind - I added "you smell like fish").

* A pat on the back to anyone who can come up with the reference just alluded to.

Nasty mental shit going on 'round these parts as of late. My stomach feels as if somebody hauled off and socked it to me (and in a sense, someone did). I must be more determined than ever to continue on down the path of evolution and self actualization. My only hope is that I can truly make some positive steps in the right direction, and keep on keepin' on without getting caught in the bog of self conciousness and pity. Not my favorite of field positions, but I am not yet ready to punt.

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